Types of Digital Marketing Consultancy

Types of Digital Marketing Consultancy

A marketing consultant is a professional who must have broad skills in the online world , given that the tools available are different and above all constantly evolving.

Furthermore, a web marketing strategy is never unique, but must adapt to your business needs which can change over time.

For example, at first you may need to have more visibility for your brand and later to get a certain number of leads on your site . Or you want to increase visits and lead customers to make a specific conversion.

In all these cases, by contacting a Marketing Consultant you will have the opportunity to have the right strategy.

When it comes to digital marketing consultancy you will therefore have different areas of expertise. Here are all the types.

SEO consultancy

An acronym that you will often have faced with some fear, given that Search Engine Optimization includes the set of strategies that can make the difference to bring your site among the first in Google search rankings.

Thanks to an SEO marketing consultancy you will have the opportunity to have a figure that will allow you to create a winning SEO strategy .

But why is it important to optimize your content and your web page so that it falls within the parameters set by Google?

Just consider that thanks to an SEO Consultancy you will be able to get 90% visibility, to which is added a high conversion rate compared to a different advertising system.

Here is what the role of the SEO Consultant will be :

  • keyword research ;
  • content creation, to do this he must master SEO writing techniques to create a good editorial plan ;
  • revision of the texts;
  • strategy development: on page SEO and off page SEO ( link building );
  • analysis of the results.

Advertising consultancy

Digital advertising , or advertising on the web, is one of the tools that allow you to attract the attention of a specific target of customers by arousing their interest and pushing them to take one or more actions on your site.

The different facets of the web have also led to the creation of different forms of advertising that require a broad understanding of the tools and how they work.

From display campaigns to search network campaigns , from facebook ADS  to a ffiliations , the possibilities of reaching a vast target of users are so many.

The role of an online marketing consultant will be to:

  • Set the goal : it will help you determine which goal is best suited to the needs of your company;
  • Program the right advertising campaign : it will establish which tools to use based on the budget you have set up for advertising;
  • Realization : it will act in order to insert ads, banners or advertising posts in the right channels, using a platform such as Google Advertising .
  • Advertising analysis : will have to measure the effectiveness of a campaign or ad through suitable tools such as the Google Analytics platform .

The activity of a digital marketing consultant becomes essential since it will allow you to manage your company resources in the most suitable way, helping you to reduce advertising costs, but at the same time make them more effective with a greater economic return.

Branding Consulting

Branding is a term used in the commercial field to identify your business, characterized by a specific identity regarding the offer of products and services.

Why focus on branding?

Having your own identity and therefore a consolidated brand can be very advantageous on the web, since each of your products will have particular characteristics in terms of quality, but also attention to the customer.

In this way you will increase consumer confidence in your company , and you will be able to retain them with a simpler process. At the same time you will have valid support to distinguish yourself from other types of companies on the web that can offer similar products.

To make it unique, your brand will have to acquire value in the eyes of customers , something in which the work of a figure specialized in branding consultancy can be fundamental .

Its activity will be to create valuable content for your site that can reflect the characteristics of the products and services, offering users something more than other sites.

An activity that requires a lot of expertise, and knowledge of all areas of marketing.

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