Dubai is considered to be one of the top developed countries in the world. Since the region discovered oil fields, massive growth is witnessed in past 25 to 30 years. Dubai always wanted to achieve modernization in each and every field. This is also one of the top reasons why we can highly see the glimpse of westernization in the region. We can also observe huge developmental progress in order to increase tourisms and industrialization. In view of this exceptional growth in the region many multinational giant organizations developed their facilities in the region. At the same time many mediocre, entrepreneurs also seeking opportunities to setup their LLC companies in Dubai. Since government always wanted to facilitate businesses, they provide huge relaxations in every process of top-level LLC formation in Dubai.
Overview of LLC:
As the name describes itself LLC is known to be as Limited Liability Company. LLC can be setup with at least two stakeholders and the maximum capacity of shareholders in LLC is 50. Furthermore each and every shareholder in the organization possesses very limited liability in terms of capital investment. In view of all these points government of Dubai also provides many facilities to LLC owners to grow their business. Government also gives complete security to the owners of LLC from their liabilities. In order to setup and develop your LLC organization in Dubai it is necessary to do partnership with local Dubai shareholder. This partner must be citizen of Dubai and will be holding 51 percent of shares in the organization. In most of the cases in LLC organization setup these shareholders act as sleeping partners and gives you complete authority of running the business as per your requirements.
Process of Staring LLC in the Region:
It is a well-known fact that in order to establish any business in any region of the world, shareholders need to follow certain steps. Generally, it is considered that process of establishing LLC is a bit easy then other company. Still following are some of the major requirements or steps which are necessary. If you fulfill all these requirements your LLC will soon be registered, and you will be able to start your business operations.
- First and foremost, important requirement is that you must identify all major functions and processes undermine in your business. These functions and processes must be as per Department of Economic Development.
- Find a unique, but at the same time attractive trade name for your organization. Make sure that it should not be claimed under any copyright or should not be present.
- Once your trade name is approved by DED, you can search a suitable location to establish your company. Keep this thing especially in your mind that you without approval of your trade name you will not be able to get the certificate of location approval.
- It is very important that your local citizen shareholder should possess all necessary business setup knowledge. It will be very helpful for you; furthermore, your local shareholder should be a reliable source. In most of the cased majority of the local shareholders are very cooperative and supportive.
- After completing all the processes now, it is the time to submit all your documents approval purpose to the DED. Department of Economic Development also reserves all rights to reject any application. But in majority of the cases applications are not rejected as DED also is known to be a very supportive department.
- Once your application is successfully approved, you will be granted your trading license in Dubai.
- Final step of your Elite business Setup, once you receive your license, you need to apply for your business or labor visa facility. This process will be done with the guidance of labor registry department in Dubai. Once you will be registered in the labor registry, you will be able to get labor force visas for you, your partners and for a number of labor force you need to bring in Dubai for working purpose.
- Labor registry have developed a category for allotment of visa, there are work force visas, offices, manager level visas and business owner visas.
It is very important that you take each and every step of your LLC business setup very carefully and consciously, it is highly advisable that you onboard local sponsor in each and every step of your business. These shareholders possess vast knowledge of all business processes in Dubai.