Business days & non-business days

Business days & non-business days

Business days & non-business days

Business days & non-business days

Business days & non-business days There are many occasions in which workers do not know how much time they can have to present an application,

for paid leave for hospitalization, etc. 

For that, it can be useful to know the differences between calendar days, business days, business days, or non-business days.

 We review each concept of the work calendar.

What are calendar days?

The calendar days are all those that make up a year. 365 in a normal situation, 366 in leap years. 

Regardless of whether that day is a weekend, weekday, or holiday. They are all calendar days.

In Business days & non-business days What are business days?

Working days are those in which you work. 

Therefore, as a general rule, Sundays and holidays are excluded, although they may or may not be working days depending on the company,

the sector or the geographical area in question.

What are business days?

At this point, it is perhaps where more doubts arise. Business days are those that the law designates as suitable for calculating deadlines or carrying out certain acts. 

In the case of Spain, business days are from Monday to Friday according to the reform of Law 39/2015.

What are non-working days?

The law establishes Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as non-working days. 

To be more precise, we are going to see how the BOE (Official State Gazette) tells it. 

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In December 2017, he defined them as follows:

  • Throughout the national territory: Saturdays, Sundays and days declared non-substitutable national holidays,

    or on which all the Autonomous Communities have not exercised the power of substitution.
  • In the territorial scope of the Autonomous Communities: Those days are determined by each Autonomous Community as holidays.
  • In the territorial areas of the Entities that make up the Local

    Administration: The days established by the respective Autonomous Communities in their corresponding calendars of non-working days.

Keeping the staff informed of the basics of the work calendar is a good practice to start working on employee centricity. 

With this approach and the use of good human resources management software,  

the activity of the department can modernize its functions and align with the latest trends.

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