What To Do When Your ADHD Teen Says “Don’t Worry, I’ve Got It!”

“Don’t Worry” Syndrome

If I were to earn a dime for each time I heard, “I’ve got it!” from my ADHD teens…

Of course, there are times when it signifies what it says you’re confident and skilled. Sometimes, it’s an attempt to distract from the issue or remove you from their way. How do you tell if they’ve actually “got it” when your ADHD teenager says, “I’ve got it!”? Or, when is the right time to assist them even if they claim they don’t require it?

Sure, It Takes Time, But:

I am aware that this process will take longer than simply teaching our children how to go about things, yet the primary goal is the development of trust and independence. It’s not just about working on the project. It’s about teaching students how to get the work completed in the future in the absence of you so that your ADHD teenager will be able to declare “I’ve got it” and actually can say that they have it!

Another thing to note is that the steps don’t necessarily need to be sequential. There will be occasions when you have to skip to step 5. Be aware of this: Only do this with the approval of your teenager! If you can get them to take charge of receiving support from you, They’ll begin to solicit assistance and help differently. It is, in the end, an essential quality you can teach them.

Source: Adderall Online

Here’s my advice on how to tackle”the “don’t worry” syndrome! Be aware this “I’ve got it” may indicate that your child may be worried and perhaps in danger mode. Helping your child manage anxiety and stress is the most crucial first step beginning by being curious about what’s going on for them. Are there specific situations in which this reaction is the most common? Do you notice it happening every day? Take a few minutes to gather data.

When you’re at ease and ready to take action, I’ve provided my 5 steps to “let ’em have it”:

Let Them Have It! (With Controls)

We want our children to be more independent. We want them to do this in a manner that will set them up for success. The problem for ADHD teenagers is that they are eager to be independent, even though they aren’t equipped with the executive power to achieve it.

Step 1: You’ve Done It:

If ADHD teens and kids tell you, “I’ve got it,” says, “good – great! I’ll follow up to check in with you to see how things go.” Set a specific date and time frame – then explain it to them, and ensure you follow up in the manner you promised. It could take a couple of minutes (if they’re doing a simple task) or perhaps some days for larger projects. Let them work on it independently, but provide security if they aren’t. If they succeed, then great! Celebrate with them! If not, proceed to the next step without judgment (i.e., you should keep that “I told you so” to yourself.)

Step 2: What Do You Do It? :

Watch (without judgment) and allow them to take the lead and gather specifics. “OK, It appears like you’re struggling. What’s your solution? That’s great! I’ll be in touch with you to check back to see how things go.” Also, set the time frame for checking back in and following up.

Take note: You could plant the seeds you’re there to help with if required and have alternative ideas in case you don’t get the desired results. If you return with the results, if they’re successful great – celebrate with them! If not, continue to step 3.

Step 3: What Are Some Suggestions?

Ask them to think of several (2-4) ideas of how they can go about it. It might be helpful to add some pictures if they’re having trouble or ask them if they’d want some ideas from you. Choose one option and agree to a plan of action. Discuss how they’d like you to follow up on their request – but ensure it’s something you both agree on. Re-run the procedure.

Step 4: Here’s The Thing I Would Suggest You Do:

It is the place we usually start – it’s simpler to tell kids what to do, but when it comes to teenagers, it’s not always played out very well. In a call with a coach this past week, one of our parents insisted, “if my son would only use a planner, this wouldn’t be a problem.” It’s not as simple as that. If you propose a solution, you must gain the support of your parents and be aware of what it is that will be beneficial for children with ADHD brain. Also, ensure that you both agree on the strategy and how you’ll follow up.

Step 5: Let’s Tackle This in Conjunction:

It’s evident to you both that more support is required. Be patient – remember that this is a difficult time for him, and they do not wish to participate. Therefore, show your assistance, and commit to cooperating with them to lay the foundation for their future independence. It could be as straightforward as a body duplicate or more complicated, such as showing a framework they could duplicate going forward.

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