In this article, we will discuss what a first aider is, their responsibilities, qualities they should possess, qualifications needed to become a first aider, first aider kit, etc.
What is a First Aider?
First aiders are required to ensure a safe working environment and provide immediate assistance and care to those who need it while intending to preserve life by preventing an injury from getting worse.
Am I right for the role of the first aider?
Before you choose to become a first-aider you need to ensure that you have the correct attitude and skills to be able to deal with the administration of first aid. You will have to deal with emergencies and injuries, so you must be confident that you are capable of carrying out responsibilities under challenging circumstances.
How to Become a Qualified First Aider?
Around 356,000 Americans suffer a sudden cardiac arrest each year including even the healthiest ones. According to statistics, for every 20 heart-related emergency events, only one will survive. However, you can make a difference through proper training.
If you want to be trained professionally to practice first aid and CPR in Tucson, Arizona, you need to get training classes from certified first aid instructors.
To obtain either CPR certification through CPR classes or BLS( Basic life support) certification you need to take the first aid classes.
This will equip you to save lives during medical emergencies by providing you with the following knowledge:
- How to provide basic first aid if a person is injured or taken ill in lower-risk workplaces.
- Basic life support (BLS)
- How to perform CPR and AED in life-threatening situations.
- First aid for specific injuries and illnesses.
- Specific specialized training targets delivering medical oxygen and pediatric first aid.
Responsibilities of a first-aider:
As a person whose main responsibility is to keep everyone safe by avoiding potential danger, you need to follow the following responsibilities and act accordingly:
1. Situation should be assessed promptly.
A good first aider should assess the whole situation on time. This involves whether anyone is in potential danger, the cause of the emergency, and the affected casualties.
2. Stay calm, reassure, and take charge
In an emergency, you should remain calm and composed. Start with an introduction to the casualty and make sure you don’t panic so the casualty can trust you while feeling comfortable.
3. Protect yourself or any casualties from danger
As a first-aider, you should never put yourself or the bystanders around the emergency scene in danger. If you endanger yourself, you won’t be able to help the injured ones.
However, If you are incapable of securing the scene safely, call for emergency help immediately.
4. Prevent infection
As a first-aider, you should prevent the spread of infection between you and the casualty as best as possible. Always remember to wear disposable gloves or wash your hands instantly after your interaction with the casualty. Please avoid coughing or sneezing over a casualty while applying first to prevent cross-contamination.
5. Assess the casualty
First assess the nature of illness of the casualty before starting the treatment. This is to ensure you take timely action as a first-aider by avoiding any potentially life-threatening situation.
6. Provide First Aid Treatment
Until emergency medical services arrive, you need to provide first aid treatment. The first aid can either be a CPR application for airway obstruction or the use of an AED to relieve shock and other heart-related emergencies.
7. Arrange for appropriate help
If you presume a medical emergency is necessary and considering the nature of the injury or illness, take the casualty to the nearest hospital so proper treatment can be given by a healthcare professional.
What Qualities Make a Good First Aider?
Some beneficial qualities a first aider must possess include:
- Good Communication Skills:
- Ability to work under pressure.
- Ability to know their limits and level of competence by knowing when to call for help.
- Ability to work in a team and effective leadership
- Ability to take initiative in a critical situation.
- Positive attitude
What are the common items found in a first aid kit?
- Bandages, roller bandages, and tape
- Sterile gauze
- Antiseptic wipes and swabs
- Absorbent compresses
- Antibiotic cream
- Burn ointment
- Mask for breathing (rescue breathing/CPR)
- Chemical cold pack
- Eyeshield and eyewash
- The first aid reference guide includes local phone numbers
Final Thoughts:
Being a first-aider is an honored job but a challenging one indeed. Through this, you can save lives by preventing further damage or can improve the condition of the casualty.
If you decide to become a first aider you should ensure you have the necessary training skills and qualities to carry out the role and responsibilities of a first aider.
This is because as a first-aider you will be responsible for handling the injured and ill ones in often stressful situations. Therefore, the decision to choose this job should be a firm choice by considering all the factors. It is a very sensitive yet rewarding job. However, you need to remember that the wrong choice can have serious consequences as you will be dealing with people’s lives.