Massage is more than what meets the eye
When most people think of massage, they think of relaxation and stress relief. The inside clinical massage therapy can be quite narrow-minded, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize that it can be a key component to improving overall health and well-being. “Stress” can be broken down into specific treatments depending on lifestyle, habits, and the amount or presence of triggers. This article is designed to give you expert advice and insight into the unexpected health benefits of massage therapy.
Chiropractic Massage Therapy
For optimal results and to improve your health, it is recommended to combine chiropractic care with clinical massage therapy. The combination of the two provides patients with lasting pain relief, better sleep, slowing of the aging process, a stronger immune system, better athletic performance, more energy and an overall good mood. It’s important to remember that health – whether from a cleanser or a medication – “doesn’t come in a bottle.” The fact is that your nerves have a huge impact on your health, and controlling nerve impulses will put you on the right path to wellness.
In short, nerve impulses tell your body what to do (heartbeat, breathing, sweating, itching, etc.), and the combination of chiropractic care allows the therapist to relieve the pressure and suffocation of the nerves and free the flow of nerve impulses. Everything in your body will feel better as a result, especially your muscles. Below is a fuller explanation of some unexpected benefits.
Unexpected benefits and results
Strengthening the immune system – Did you know that 80-90% of all diseases are due to stress? Cortisol (the hormone that is released when we are stressed) damages the white blood cells that protect your immune system. Because massage lowers cortisol, it boosts and strengthens your immune system and helps prevent disease. The central theme is that it is a natural and drug-free way to stay healthy.
Better sleep – increase delta waves (promotes deep sleep and better rest). Regular massages make it easier to fall asleep (by releasing serotonin and dopamine and increasing delta waves). More healthy sleep means better interactions with friends and family, better performance at work, less sweating (which means less cortisol release, which means better health, which means less stress, and so on, and so on, you get the idea).
Improved athletic performance – Massage reduces the likelihood of specific injuries and allows you to use your full range of motion to compete at the highest level.