How To Find The One Easily

Being in love or a relationship is not always rainbows and unicorns. People face a million challenges when it comes to finding the right one. If only it were so easy as they show in the movies. Meeting the perfect one in a coffee shop, bookstore, or even in a traffic jam. Life isn’t “La La Land,” so we better think of more realistic ways to find the one and understand that it takes time.  

You may have tried many approaches, like going on blind dates with someone your friend has set you up with or meeting someone in a yoga class earlier. Nevertheless, if you have ended up here, reading this article, you may want to get back into the dating game again. While there is no sure-shot guide to finding the perfect partner, the tips mentioned in this article will surely nudge you in the right direction. 

Online Dating 

Right from ordering our favorite food to groceries, we do it online these days. What’s the harm in finding the right partner in the same way? Online dating has flourished in the past few years, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic forced us all to stay home. Online dating apps have even introduced features like virtual dates via video calls which allows the singles to find a partner across the globe on these apps. 

 Online dating could be one of the fastest and easiest ways to discover the perfect partner. If you think that finding the right partner online is hectic, you can find many matchmaking platfroms to help you better. Who knows, your ideal partner could be one swipe away. 

Hobbies and Social Life 

There is no point in looking for a partner that doesn’t have anything in common with you. No, we aren’t advising that you must look for mirror images of yourself while dating. However, it does help build communication and a better connection where their ideologies and interests align with yours. One of the best places to seek a potential match could be at events and places hosting any such everyday activities.  

For instance, if you are a fitness enthusiast, your gym could be the perfect place to strike up a conversation with someone you like. Similarly, book clubs and yoga classes could be the best place if you are an avid reader or a yoga enthusiast. Remember, it’s always better to approach the other person subtly without making them uncomfortable. 

Now that we’ve discussed where to look for a potential romantic partner, it’s time to understand how you can discover or identify the one when you meet them. 

Honest Communication 

The first and foremost thing to do while looking for a partner or going on dates is, to be honest about your expectations. Whether you just started talking to someone or have been on a few first dates, it’s better to communicate what you are genuinely looking for. Most people feel it’s better to keep things to themselves until they get close.  

That is true, but what if you find out that the other person’s expectations vary from yours, particularly when you feel invested in them? That wouldn’t be nice for both parties involved, especially for the one seeking a long-term and meaningful relationship rather than a casual fling. 


If there’s one thing most self-proclaimed dating coaches advise people not to do is showing vulnerability. While that may be true, that may not always be the right approach. The sad part is that most people hide their vulnerability because of their past relationships or experiences. They build a guard, not expressing their interest or feelings to the other person or talking about their insecurities.  

However, being vulnerable also shows your strength and maturity that you are self-aware. So, if you like someone and wish to take the relationship in a new direction, tell them about it. Doing so will not give them any power over you. Possibilities are that may woo them and make things work for you. That said, if you are too bothered about their response, things may go down south if they don’t feel the same about you. 

Know What You Want 

There is no point in looking for the ‘one’ when you don’t know what type of person you want. Most people commit the mistake of dating or meeting people without even understanding what kind of person they want to be in the first place. The best way to know what type of person you want to be with you must know everything about yourself. By saying that, we mean that you must be fully self-aware of your personality, ideologies, and interests. That way, you will know what to look for in a person when you meet them for the first time. 

Final Thoughts 

Those were some tips on how and where to look for an ideal partner. Hopefully, the article helps you gain a better insight into dating and finding the right person. Remember, nobody can find love through strategies and planning. It just happens, so stay true to yourself, set up your expectations, and you are all set to find the ideal one for you.  

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