This is a very unique question how food affect your mood? In the world, you will find 2 different types of people. First of all, there are those who eat everything in sight when under pressure. Then there are those who skip meals altogether. Food can be a necessary reaction to our emotions if there’s too much food. But do you know how and what you eat also affects your mood? That’s why reaching for this candy bar may not be the best idea when you are feeling low.
Food as a fuel:
Your brain is a 24/7 machine. Whether you’re awake or asleep in the background it helps you breathe, move, feel and do much more. But what fuels this powerhouse. Your brain needs calories to function and to do what it does best. I think of your brain as a vehicle. Feed it low-quality fuel and it won’t take long until the engine starts to explode or you know it’s not moving as fast. Turn it into high-quality luggage in your belly like a home improvement and you’ll experience a smooth ride.
See what happens to your body. Add in low-quality fuels, good food, empty calories that are high in fat, sugar and other unpleasant things and you’ll feel awful. A poor diet has long been associated with low energy levels, Mood swings, Long-term health problems, Low immune system. Now change it to high-quality goods. You know, fruits, vegetables, etc. and see what vitamins and minerals they can do.
Foods which are the best boosters for your mood:
You know the basics, but let’s take a look and break it down. What kind of food should you eat for a good mood? The Goods Are Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, High fibre foods, Grain, Protein, Micronutrients, such as magnesium, Bad, highly processed foods, Fast food, Crisps and Snacks, Too much sugar and Too much caffeine.
3 Ways that how food Affects Your Mood?
You can feel the connection between this fast-food takeout and your mood the next day, but what is happening behind the scenes. It’s less about food than your mood.
1. Stress and desires:
When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol. This is called flight or fight hormone. Although it helps your body deal with whatever attacks it feels in turn it draws energy from the body and lowers blood sugar levels. After the initial high stress, you may feel tired and depressed. If the pressure is long-term, the effect can be magnified. For example, during difficult study times, you may want chips or other snacks. After this effect, the body releases a hormone called glucocorticoids to compensate for the damage. Their role is to regain lost energy supply. How do they do it? Rejuvenate your body by creating a desire for sugar and carbohydrates.
2. Say hello to serotonin:
Serotonin is a good feeling hormone. It helps the body regulate sleep, appetite, and mood and even affects how you feel pain. Lack of this hormone and you may feel stress, irritability, fatigue, and crying sweets and carbohydrates. The trick with this helper hormone is that it is almost always produced in the digestive tract. This means that what you eat affects your ability to create. Eating unhealthy foods and inflammation can trap the intestinal microbiome, inhibiting the production of serotonin. Eat right, and you’ll feel better. Traditional foods, such as the Mediterranean and Japanese foods, which focus on fresh fruits and vegetables and seafood, encourage good bacteria in the gut and regulate serotonin production.
3. The hanger is real:
Skipped breakfast, skipped lunch, and didn’t come back on time for dinner. Maybe you’re feeling a little angry right now. If your body is hungry your blood sugar level drops which makes you feel tired. Therefore, your body first tries to stop this feeling. To do this it releases cortisol and epinephrine into the body to back up those levels. Both cortisol and epinephrine can make you feel bad. Next the body sends you a signal it’s time to eat. To do this it is Neuropeptide among others. This hormone tells your body that it’s time to eat and it also makes you feel more aggressive. Put them together and you find a Hungarian man.
Bad food wrap:
Let’s keep it simple. Your body releases hormones to reduce the effects of hunger and to signal when it’s time to eat. The hormones it releases can make you irritable and hungry and crave all those bad carbohydrates and sugars. Eaten something bad then When you eat unhealthy foods, especially for a long time it has a negative effect on your body and mind. Highly processed foods which are high in fat and sugar have a chemical effect on your body and brain which makes you crave more but in the long run lowers your mood. So, what can you eat when you are stressed that will help you feel better but not spoil your diet?
Good mood food:
Forget about these quick fixes here. Although they can provide immediate relief from what you are feeling at the moment, there is no guarantee that this will happen after a while. You will be very rude. This is because of the rapid rise and fall of your blood sugar levels. So don’t starve your mind and body, or load it with sugar, eat breakfast carefully instead. Healthy, nutritious snacks can boost your mental strength and regulate your mood, so you can feel better. These are some of the best.
a. Nuts:
Best for nuts, nuts are full of elements that are best for your emotional (and physical) survival. They contain magnesium (essential for stress management), omega 3 (helps relieve depression), tryptophan (good for balance) and selenium (for brain power).
b. Dark chocolate:
Have a sweet tooth? Even if you are stressed, there is no need to restrain yourself, and dark chocolate has some great properties. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate stimulates serotonin.
c. Strawberries:
Nothing like a summer berry for a bad mood. Although strawberries are not your breakfast for a difficult day, they should be. Rich in fiber and rich in vitamin C, strawberries can lower blood cortisol, meaning less stress.
d. Rooibos tea:
Full of flavour, red in tone, if you’re feeling uncomfortable, it’s time to cook. The British may believe that a cup of tea can fix everything, and while this is not 100% true, a small cup can do a lot. Drinking tea when stressed helps reduce stress hormones. It contains things which prevent the formation of new fat cells.
e. Eggs:
Boiled, scrambled, hunted. Choose your style. Eggs contain vitamin D and protein, which help stabilize your blood sugar, make you feel full, and can affect these hormones. For a healthy, nutritious breakfast, combine it with avocado and some whole green toast that fights stress and gives you satisfaction.
I hope now you understand how food affects your mood in one way or another. To make yourself healthy and smart from good and effective food that can make your mood happy then kindly visit the healthy food articles written by the professionals or you can also find an online writer there for writing an essay, assignment or thesis regarding your requirement and read all the precautions on the writing planet and the daily exercises you should do to make you fit and hard besides healthy and fresh foods.