Fungal Skin Diseases; classification, transmission and treatments

Fungal Skin Diseases; classification, transmission and treatments

First, on the part of the fungus itself, there must be a certain degree of virulence (pathogenicity); secondly, on the part of the microorganism (human), the condition is a decrease in the protective functions of the body; thirdly, it is worth considering the condition of the accumulation of microorganisms in one place or another (bath, sauna, swimming pool, beach, etc.). Here I will discuss fungal skin diseases, its transmission and treatments.

Fungal skin diseases (Dermatomycosis) is a large group of diseases, today there are more than 400 types of fungi that can cause mycoses. The first place in prevalence among mycoses is occupied by candidiasis. Also, the most common fungal diseases include ringworm of the scalp, lichen smooth skin, pityriasis versicolor, rubrophytosis, rubromycosis, epidermophytosis of the feet, microsporia, etc.

Mycoses are contagious, significantly reduce the quality of human life, bring cosmetic problems, which is why skin fungus treatment is necessary.

Classification of mycoses

  • Keratomycoses are opportunistic (normally not harmful) fungi that affect only the stratum corneum of the epidermis. For example: pityriasis versicolor.
  • Dermatophytes – pathogenic fungi that penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum, can affect the entire epidermis and skin appendages (hair and nails). These include microsporia, trichophytosis, epidermophytosis of the feet, inguinal epidermophytosis, etc.
  • Candidiasis is an opportunistic yeast-like fungus.
  • Deep mycoses – cause systemic damage to the skin and internal organs, can penetrate through the blood, through the lungs.
  • Pseudomycosis – bacterial flora.

Ways of transmission of fungal skin diseases and prevention of infection 

The fungus loves certain conditions – it needs a humid, warm (from 20 to 30 ° C) environment with an acidic pH, so it likes to settle in pools, showers, and saunas. Fungal infections are most often transmitted by contact and household contact – from person to person and through common objects contaminated with fungal spores. 

It is possible to prevent infection. For this you need: 

  • observe personal hygiene – use individual hygiene items (washcloths, towels, combs) and do not allow other people to use them;
  • dry wet shoes;
  • change socks more often;
  • use rubber slippers in the common shower room;
  • Choose loose, well-breathing shoes.

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Symptoms of dermatomycoses

Each type of fungus has its own clinical picture, but there are common symptom complexes:

  • red spots;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the form of bubbles, which are resolved by cracks, scraps of the epidermis;
  • burning, itching;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • wetting.

When scratching, a secondary infection and suppuration occur. Dermatomycosis most often affects the feet, areas of natural skin folds.

Diagnosis of dermatomycosis 

Fungal Skin Diseases; classification, transmission and treatments

In order to diagnose fungal diseases of the skin, a scraping is performed from the pathological focus, followed by a microscopic examination of the material to identify the fungal flora, and bacteriological culture is also performed. 

Reasons for the development of the fungal skin diseases

Prerequisites for the development of a fungus on the part of a person can be: 

  • Endocrine diseases
  • Immune system disorders
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • HIV infection

The reproduction of the fungus is also facilitated by wearing tight synthetic clothing, tight closed shoes with poor ventilation, and non-observance of personal hygiene rules. 

Treatment of fungal skin diseases 

Fungal Skin Diseases; classification, transmission and treatments

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the localization of the lesion, the stage of the disease, the severity of the process. The best results are achieved with complex combined treatment: the use of topical preparations (creams, ointments, sprays, lotions) and preparations for oral administration. Superficial mycosis of the skin can be cured by external means, and in case of damage to the appendages of the skin, the scalp, internal preparations are prescribed. 

Self-administration of treatment by the patient can lead to lubrication of the clinical picture, prolongation of the course of the disease, and allergic reactions. In addition, if the disease is started, the mycelium of the fungus from the skin penetrates into the nails, and in this case, the treatment will be longer and more complicated. 

The doctor, guided by the results of clinical tests, will prescribe treatment, taking into account the health of the body as a whole. 

The duration of treatment of fungal diseases of the skin of the face and body is approximately 1 month. 

The cost of treatment of dermatomycosis

If you encounter such a problem, contact one of the Desir clinics in St. Petersburg. Our experienced dermatologists have been successfully working with various fungal skin diseases for many years and are ready to help you. Timely started and properly selected treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the problem. All types of examinations and treatment of fungal diseases of the scalp, face and body are available for our patients. In a clinic, you can get advice and recommendations from a dermatologist, take tests and use hardware services. The cost of services of the Department of Dermatology of the clinic in following:

  • Initial consultation with a dermatovenereologist:  1 500 rub.
  • Repeated consultation with a dermatovenereologist: 1 000 rub.
  • Consultation of a dermatovenereologist, Ph.D. primary: 3 000 rub.
  • Consultation of a dermatovenereologist, Ph.D. repeated: 2 200 rub.
  • Repeated consultation with a dermatovenereologist, MD, professor: 2 000 rub.
  • Consultation of a dermatovenereologist, MD, professor, primary: 3 500 rub.

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