Frozen Fish Vs. Fresh Fish: What to Consider for Healthy Eating?

Frozen Fish Vs. Fresh Fish: What to Consider for Healthy Eating?

Have you ever wondered whether you should reconsider purchasing from Wholesale Frozen Fish Suppliers? Fresh and Frozen Fish can be a healthy option as long as they are stored and prepared correctly; despite what it might seem like, fresh fish would be a healthier option than frozen. The taste, texture, and bacterial content of the fish can be affected by its freshness, as well as by how and how quickly it was frozen.

The next time you decide between fresh and frozen fish, we urge you to consider these four factors as fellow fish lovers, foodies, and environmentalists.

Nutrition And Flavor Are Similar:

The Natural Fisheries Institute claims that fish that is frozen is equally nutrient-dense as fish that is fresh. The nutritional value, moisture, and flavor of fish that of frozen fish immediately following harvest, like our barramundi, are entirely preserved. Fish are immediately frozen after harvest was preferred over fresh fish by trained panelists in blind taste tests.

Additionally, chefs agree that properly frozen fish can be at least as good as fresh. All over the world, the most prominent chefs prefer frozen fish for their delicious recipes.

Freshness Depends on Time:

Fish is frozen immediately after fishers catch it, stops deteriorating, and retains its freshness. For instance, the same day our barramundi is caught, it is hand-filleted and flashes frozen. We employ a patented Japanese belt freezer technology that lets us quickly chill the fillets to -30°F while maintaining their freshness. Maximum freshness is more about rapid freezing and controlled thawing than it is about being caught straight out of the water. To preserve quality and flavor, a lot of wild frozen fish at sea before being slowly thawed before serving, as in premium sushi.

Reduces The Carbon Footprint:

Transporting fresh fish utilizing air consumes a lot of energy to reach consumers while they can still enjoy it. As per Bon Appetit Management, a Palo Alto, California-based food service management company, frozen fish transported by ground, such as boat or truck, produces significantly fewer CO2 emissions than air transport. According to the estimate, moving goods by air creates “ten times as much greenhouse gas as moving them by container ship.”

As soon as fishers catch the fish, it is frozen and sold in your grocery store’s freezer. This implies that you are receiving the same amount of nutrients—possibly even more—than if you had eaten the same piece of fish straight from the water. By choosing frozen fish, you can choose from a wider variety of fish because you don’t have to wait for your preferred varieties to be in season.

Less Wasteful and More Practical:

Due to its perishability, you’ll see around 30 percent or more of fresh seafood in the garbage. You can minimize waste by only defrosting and using the frozen fillets you intend to eat and the chefs at your favorite restaurants. In the freezer, our barramundi keeps for up to two years without losing flavor or freshness, and you can cook it right out of the freezer or thaw in 15 minutes.

By all means, take advantage of fresh fish that you locally catch. Frozen fish is a wholesome, delectable, and environmentally responsible alternative if you’re looking for a lean protein option to keep on hand. If you’re looking for the best Frozen Fish Exporter, don’t miss GA Trading Netherlands, as they’re the best ones to provide you with the fresh frozen fish of your choice.

There are many other options you can avail of from these wholesale suppliers, and they deliver the fresh quality of frozen fish at your doorstep. 

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