You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Ponds, Rivers and Lake themed activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners. Our activities are used by teachers, moms, dads, childcare providers, and more! For the best experience, you can use tandem paddle boards.
Pond, River, and Lake Arts and Crafts
Jumping Frogs
Take a green circle and fold it not quite in half. Don’t fold all the way down. Then add two white ovals for eyes on top of the fold. Add a dot in the middle and for a tongue glue a half-oval shape to the bottom of the top flap. Then add green accordion strips for legs.
Turtle Puppet
Paint a paper plate to resemble a turtle’s top shell and paint another plate for the bottom shell. Staple or glue green construction paper legs on either plate. Sandwich a green sock between the painted plates so that the toe sticks out for the head and the top of the sock sticks out the back for the tail. Staple the two plates together on both sides, add eyes, and slip your hand into the sock.
Paper Bowl Turtles
Turn the bowl upside down and paint green, let dry. Cut out front and back feet from brown construction paper. Staple to bowl. Cut out head with neck and draw on a face, staple to bowl.
Bobbing Frogs
Take old corks and color them with green crayons. Then take a green pipe cleaner and wrap it around the cork, twist it, then bend the long ends into frog-shaped legs. Take your frog in the tub, to the lake, or even to the swimming pool.
Small Aquatic Life Painting
Blue construction paper or Kraft paper
Washable paint (any colors you like– especially brown & green)
Plastic toy fishes, turtles, aquarium plants, stones– anything that could be found in a river, lake, or pond
Children can spread paint onto the items, and use them to make an imprint on the paper. You could do this as a group mural, on a large piece of paper, or as individual projects.
Once kids get outside, they tend to have a blast. Whether they are biking around the block, walking the dog, or hunting for cool rocks, there are endless fun things to do out in the fresh air. Sometimes, children will jump at the chance to play outside and organically come up with ideas for physical activities. Other times, they may need a little encouragement and inspiration to get started.