Many people suffer from erectile dysfunction, and while it can be an embarrassing situation, seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction can actually save your life. Robert Garcia, 66, went to see a new doctor in 2014, complaining about how Viagra wasn’t working for him. While many men will blame their erectile dysfunction on age, a doctor’s diagnosis can be life-saving.
Researchers have found that men over forty are much more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than younger men. This is because vascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, and diabetes, increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can prevent erectile dysfunction. Read on for some tips for preventing ED. A healthy diet and regular exercise are two important ways to avoid ED.
Studies have shown that erectile problems are common in men over 40, and it is important to seek treatment for this condition as soon as possible. According to WebMD, an estimated twenty million men in the U.S. suffer from erectile dysfunction. While the problem is not as common in women as men, it can still affect a man’s self-esteem and relationships. A conservative estimate of men suffering from ED suggests that erectile problems account for 10 to 20 million visits to physicians, thirty-thousand hospital admissions, and 146 million dollars in health industry spending annually.
It can be a sign of cardiovascular disease.
In men, erectile dysfunction is often an early warning sign of a serious underlying condition. This problem can be a precursor to atherosclerosis or high blood pressure. In women, however, ED may be the first sign of depression, hormonal changes, or emotional stress. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to detect if a man is at risk for heart disease and should be treated right away.
One study concluded that men with ED had a nearly two-fold increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to men without ED. This was independent of other risk factors such as smoking or hypertension. The study also found that men with ED were significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those with healthy erectile function. Despite the small sample size, the study found that erectile dysfunction may be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease.
It can be a sign of depression.
One of the most common signs of depression is erectile dysfunction (ED), which affects roughly 30 million men in the United States. It is often accompanied by feelings of guilt, which can make the condition even worse. ED often causes men to feel less manly and less confident, which in turn can cause feelings of guilt. In addition to the physical effects of ED, men suffering from depression are at a higher risk of developing the disorder.
Low self-esteem, embarrassment, and other symptoms of depression are common in people with this condition. The symptoms of depression often make it difficult to focus on the physical aspects of relationships. These can prevent a person from feeling arousal, which can result in decreased sexual pleasure. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to get help for depression.
It can be a sign of anxiety.
Anxiety and depression are common health conditions that can exacerbate erectile dysfunction. Treatment for these conditions can include therapy or prescription medications. The best way to treat erectile dysfunction is to take Cenforce 100 or Cenforce 150. However, if the problem is not physical, treatment can focus on mental stress. In some cases, treatment of anxiety or depression can result in improvements in ED symptoms. If you’re suffering from anxiety or depression, talk with your healthcare provider for more information.
Anxiety is a leading contributor to ED. Several studies have linked high levels of anxiety with ED. Anxiety increases the likelihood of sexual dysfunction by increasing the stress level, which further hampers sex. Sexual anxiety therapy focuses on sensational pleasure and addresses emotional issues. It can help a patient relax and reactivate their imagination. This therapy can also improve general well-being visit our site for more info