For most people, the most common and very first way to test if a bike fits their size is to stand over the bike frame and place your feet flat on the ground. If the frame of a road bike is one to two inches from your crotch, you’ve certainly found the right zize bikes for you. For a mountain bike, the distance needs to be three to five inches. For women’s bikes, which do not have a high top tube between the saddle and handlebars, this step is not necessary.
The right bike for you should have a saddle whose height allows you to stretch your legs until they are almost completely straight when you sit on the saddle. Your knee needs to be only slightly bent when your foot rests on the pedal in the lowest position. Such a position minimizes fatigue while maximizing performance.
A common misconception is that cyclists believe they must sit on the saddle and still have their feet flat on the ground. When attempting to stop the bike, cyclists must get off the saddle and sit on the handlebars.
To ride more comfortably and pedal more efficiently, the saddle needs to be level so you can sit and pedal without having to control your position on the saddle too much. Too much forward lean can cause you to feel like you are sliding forward. Leaning too much backward, on the other hand, will cause you to not have enough power and most likely slide backward. Both of these situations are uncomfortable, distracting, and unsafe.
When you sit on a saddle, your weight must be supported by the same areas on your back that you feel underneath you when you sit upright on a hard and firm surface. Not only can you adjust the angle of the saddle, but you can also move the saddle forward and backward in relation to the seat post. This will ensure that you center your weight in the right places.
Adjusting the handlebar height is primarily about finding a position where you can ride more comfortably without straining your wrists, back or shoulders. Remember that physical differences and personal preferences don’t play a big role when adjusting handlebar height. You can adjust your handlebars until you find a position where you can ride comfortably. As a general rule, however, the higher the handlebars, the more upright you can sit.
Make sure the handlebars have a minimum adjustment mark. Make sure you don’t raise the handlebars so high that they go over the mark. If you insert the handlebars less than five inches into the bike frame, it will most likely result in a nasty fall.
Generally, the right bike to fit your height and weight is a custom bike.
Zize bikes, built by Super Sized Cycles, are durable, safe and easy to ride bikes that can carry riders up to 550 pounds! These bikes have strong custom frames, large extra strong disc brakes, wide well padded saddles, strong rims and tires, durable mountain bike pedals and custom internal gears.