Facts and reasons for growing preference for visual storytelling

Visual storytelling involves using visual elements like visual metaphors and animated and engaging characters to narrate stories. Even though the concept is quite ancient, visual narratives have caught up in speed in the last few years. It is mainly because of the technological revolution with a range of visual devices available to help harness the full potential of visual stories. 

Interesting facts about visual storytelling:

  • Such narratives use videos, illustrations, photography, music, voice-over, audio, and graphics.
  • Sulawesi Caves is the spot where the world’s first cave paintings were discovered. The Caves are in Indonesia and are about 35,000 years old.
  • Today visual storytelling involves photographs, videos, games, comics, animations, picture books, Virtual Reality, Instagram, etc. 

Why is there a growing shift to adopting visual aids to narrate brand stories?

The need to go visual is based on two core factors:

  1. Our brains are wired to process visuals sixty times faster than mere textual content. Not just that, the recall factor of the brain for visuals is way higher than text. 
  2. Also, the human brain can process story-based information better and more effectively than text-based details. As per data available, about 92% of customers prefer brands showing ads as stories.

Based on these two fundamental findings, more and more organizations and individuals are shifting to showcase their narratives in the visual form. If you are keen on visual storytelling, you need to know in and out the entire paradigm and domain. Go ahead and train yourself in visual narration at the best coaching institute for presentation skills online. 

How to improve your speaking skills?

You should be at your best when speaking in public. Confidence and high self-esteem are crucial to making a mark on your audience. The best way to improve your speech or speaking skills is to train under an expert to improvise and fine-tune the craft. 

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