Exact working process of Appendix Operation

Depending on the type of procedure, an Appendix Operation can cost up to Rs. 42,000 or even more. Open appendectomy costs as little as Rs. 4,000. Read on to learn more about appendix surgery in Hyderabad. You may be surprised at how much you can save by researching the cost of this procedure. Listed below are some important factors to consider when evaluating the cost of appendectomy in Hyderabad.


The cost of a Laparoscopic appendix operation varies from hospital to hospital. It can range anywhere between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 60,000, depending on the doctor, facility, and procedure. In some cases, the cost may be significantly higher, but this does not necessarily mean you should avoid the procedure. The cost of the surgery is largely dependent on the quality of the surgeon and the experience of the surgeon performing it.

Depending on the type of procedure and the hospital, the cost of a Laparoscopic appendix operation in Hyderabad can range from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 70,000. Other types of laparoscopic surgeries, like diagnostic laparoscopy for endometriosis, may cost from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1,20,000. Moreover, if you have a cyst or other gynecological condition, the cost of a Laparoscopic appendix operation in Hyderabad can range from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 80,000.


An open appendix operation can cost anywhere from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 65,000, depending on several factors. For example, a highly experienced laparoscopic surgeon may charge more than a doctor who performs open surgery. But other factors also play a role in determining the cost. Listed below are some of the most important factors to consider when comparing appendix surgery prices in Hyderabad. For more information, please contact a qualified surgeon.

The open appendix operation cost in Hyderabad varies according to the surgeon and hospital that performs the procedure. Experienced surgeons will charge more, while less experienced surgeons will charge less. Besides experience, other factors also influence the price. Private institutes with top-tier services may charge more than public hospitals. For those on a budget, however, there are many more affordable alternatives. To learn more about open appendix operation costs in Hyderabad, read on.

Experience of surgeon

If you are looking for a surgeon in Hyderabad who specializes in the treatment of appendicitis, you can choose Dr. Venkat Katta or Dr. Vamsi Mohan. They both specialize in appendix removal. Although this surgery does not eliminate digestive problems, appendectomy can be a life-saving surgery. In fact, appendectomy surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world, with an enormous amount of scientific data supporting the results.

Laparoscopic appendectomy involves making multiple incisions in the abdomen and inserting a laparoscope through these incisions. This allows the surgeon to visualize the appendix through a monitor. Once the appendix is inserted into the abdomen, the surgeon removes it with specialized tools. Patients may need to fast for up to eight hours before the procedure to ensure their anaesthesia is effective.


The price of an appendix operation in a public or private hospital can range anywhere between Rs. 35,000 and Rs. 65,000, depending on several factors. The surgeon performing the operation will likely charge more than one who performs open surgery. The type of surgery performed and the surgeon’s experience will also determine the overall cost. The following are some tips to help you find an affordable price for an appendix operation in Hyderabad.

To determine the cost of an appendix operation in a public hospital in Hyderabad, compare the cost of an open procedure with one performed on an in-patient basis. In general, laparoscopic surgery costs more than an open procedure, but the cost can vary considerably depending on the type of procedure. A patient may require another surgery if their appendix ruptures during the operation. Some insurance policies cover post-operative medications, but the cost of these may not be covered.


The cost of an appendix operation depends on several factors, including the facility and surgeon you select. A standard appendectomy in Hyderabad can cost anywhere between Rs.30,000 and Rs.40,000. Some hospitals charge higher than this, but this is usually due to their reputation and experience. Government hospitals are the cheapest option, though private facilities will cost more. A laparoscopic appendectomy, which uses a small incision to remove the appendix, will run between Rs.30,000 and Rs.40,000.

The Appendix Operation Cost In Hyderabad varies, but the average price range is around Rs.30,000. This includes the anesthesiologist and the operation itself. While the procedure costs a minimum of 40,000 INR, some surgeons charge up to seventy thousand. The price of appendix surgery is higher in countries like India where it is a medical emergency. To determine the cost, talk to your doctor to see if your insurance will cover the cost.

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