Butalbital Fioricet

Butalbital Fioricet: Uses and side effects

The fioricet tablets contain a combination of butalbital, caffeine, and acetaminophen. It is a combination of these three drugs and is mostly found in the form of pills. Butalbital is a type of barbiturate drug that takes action on the central nervous system in the patient’s body. Acetaminophen is a medicinal drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever. Caffeine is a drug that also works on the central nervous system as a stimulant. It relaxes the damaged nerves so that the blood flow occurs normally.

Fioricet is a relaxant used for treating headaches and nerve problems caused due to contractions in muscles. Although the medicine butalbital fioricet is taken as a relaxant, its excessive use can harm the body and brain. Doctors advise this medicine for only a short period because the patient may grow dependent on it, which is dangerous in the long term. It may also make your headaches worse if used too frequently, so it is not the first option during such conditions. 

How to consume Fioricet?

Always take this medicine as prescribed or directed by the doctor for as long as the doctor’s prescription. You should not increase or decrease the dose and period of this medicine and never fluctuate from the drug. An overdose of Fioricet can cause liver problems and also death. Inform the doctor regarding any changes in your body which may come after taking medicine. Also, let the doctor know if the medication stops working during treatment. 

The butalbital drug in this medicine is addictive, so it’s advised not to rely too much on it during headaches or other conditions. Please keep it away from the reach of anyone, especially from the person who has had a history of excessive drug use and addiction. Please keep it away from the reach of children, and do not share it with anyone. The selling and buying of this medicine are against the law, as it contains high-power drugs.

Always keep track of the medicine you consume, as it is an addictive drug and can be used for drug abuse. Record if anyone is finishing your treatment without asking and without a prescription. 

What are some of the most common side effects of Fioricet?

Since Fioricet uses a combination of three drugs, it should have some side effects. The acetaminophen present in the medicine may react with your skin and cause a fatal skin infection. If your skin starts having a red rash or blistering, immediately stop consuming the medicine and contact your doctor as soon as possible. It may be the acetaminophen reacting with your skin. 

If you notice any of the below effects after consuming the medicine, contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Blistering skin
  • Breathlessness
  • Seizures and fits
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dark colored urine
  • Jaundice symptoms
  • Itching and redness
  • Drowsiness
  • Stomach pain
  • Drunk feeling

If any after-effects persist, immediately call your doctor or get admitted to a hospital. Although these are some of the most common side effects of Fioricet, the list isn’t complete; there may be other side effects, too, maybe more harmful than these.

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