Why does moisture-resistant plywood have the edge over traditional plywood?

Plywood is an imperative material used in construction today. It can be used to construct furniture, cabinets, ceilings, subfloors, walls, and an array of outdoor regions. 

A plywood’s quality is essential in determining any construction project’s longevity, success, and appearance. You can rely on hardwood plywood for better durability. 

 Similar to different kinds of wood, ordinary plywood is exposed to humidity levels and moisture in the air. Although most construction projects can be completed by using ordinary plywood, the use of moisture-resistant plywood can yield exceptional results in most cases. 

What are the advantages of using moisture-resistant plywood?

Plywood is composed of different piles and layers of wood. Usually, they are made of hardwood and veneer top surfaces. These wooden layers offer plywood the strength it needs, which helps it remain stable even if it is put to multiple uses. Whether you want to build cabinets or craft a roof deck, you can rely on these plywood. 

However, similar to all other woods, different layers of these plywoods are sensitive to moisture. These plywood often absorb moisture whenever they are directly in contact with water or humidity present in the air. 

Once the wood has absorbed all the moisture, it will expand; similarly, it will shrink immediately upon drying. 

Although this contraction and expansion will have little to no impact on some regions, however, in the case of particular kinds of stuff such as furniture or cabinets, where more durability is required, excess contraction and expansion over the years can cause the finished furniture piece to warp. 

Tradition plywood is composed of an adhesive that is derived from urea-formaldehyde. The urea-formaldehyde is known to keep the piles glued to each other. However, formaldehyde is highly sensitive to humidity and moisture. So, it can degrade over the years if exposed to excess humidity or higher humidity levels. 

As a result, this can delaminate the piles or compel them to separate from each other- no one would like that to happen to their wooden products. 

On the contrary, moisture-resistant plywood can revert the contractions and expansion process. It helps prevent the plywood from degrading in between the core layers. You won’t have to depend on an expansion joint or stress about the warping furniture. 

Additionally, it indicates that moisture-resistant plywood is an ideal choice for areas more prone to humidity and moisture, such as the below-grade bathrooms. Mostly, the traditional plywoods aren’t suitable for such areas. 

 Choose waterproof plywood for better stability. 

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