Wintel Engineer

What is a Wintel Engineer?

Wintel Engineers configure and install tools Microsoft, like MBAM, MDT, SCOM, and others. They additionally configure, design, handle, and update Microsoft Windows Server versions, starting from Server 2003 to Server 2016, in an association.

Meaning of Wintel Admin:

Wintel Administrator is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and configuring windows servers

Wintel Architecture: 

WinTel is a term that references a PC working with an Intel microchip and a Microsoft OS. WinTel’s engineering, which stays the prevailing work area and PC stage, is usually known as WinTel figuring.

Wintel I3:

Responsible for giving senior level of help to Wintel group. Perform the Shift handovers. Utilize the accessible checking tools during the support activities (scheduled or unscheduled) to smother the alerts, gather data for troubleshooting.

Job Description:

Responsibilities of Wintel Engineer

  • Supporting to the business
  • Providing solutions to the incidents
  • Troubleshooting and network issues, and solve problems of software/hardware
  • Create and manage advance policies and strategies
  • Install, keep up with and support new applications and Infrastructure
  • Work to SLA limits for incident(s), request(s) and problem(s)
  • Prioritize and manage a few open cases and mini projects at a time.
  • Setting up a decent working relationship with the business and 3rd party support
  • Testing/Evaluating and execution of new technology
  • Keep up to date with technology advancements
  • Prove Technology driven initiative abilities, broadly educating and coaching. 
  • Review of administrations, application delivery, fixing and Anti-Virus 
  • Implementation of ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 arrangements 
  • Willingness to Travel
  • Work with a variety of business and specialized contacts to acquire detailed understanding of their necessities. 
  • Work with a testing technique and a reasonable comprehension of unit, Integration and system testing. 
  • Monitoring systems. 
  • Supporting Users on both equipment and Software applications 
  • Administer reinforcements and reestablishes 
  • Patching servers 
  • Performance checking IT foundation.
  • Keep up with security networks including antivirus programming, firewalls and endpoints. 
  • Administer Active Directory including Group Policies 
  • Administer and monitor Virtual server framework 
  • Build new servers, including virtual. 
  • Troubleshooting Network, TCP/IP and general WAN/LAN


  • Education with graduation, degree and diploma is must
  • Able to solve troubleshoot problems independently
  • Familiar with Windows operating system troubleshooting and problem resolving
  • Microsoft cluster knowledge is important
  • Experience in operating and installation of windows servers
  • Understanding of server equipment and hardware like HP/IBM servers and HP/IBM SAN would be a benefit
  • Experience with virus protection programming, for example, Symantec Endpoint Protection, Mcafee endpoint protection and so forth
  • Certified with ITIL foundation and equivalent work experience
  • Some computerization experience would be a benefit


  • Since network systems engineers’ configuration, implement and keep up with the information within an organization, they must have advanced coding abilities.
  • The most widely recognized PC coding languages include html, JavaScript and C++.
  • Internal networks are hung on servers in the structure while external networks are facilitated on the web and greater security and control complexities.
  • Engineers should have the option to impart well to become familiar with the organization’s necessities and concerns, and to convey best procedures when utilizing the database. 


Wintel Engineers pay scale differs depending on skills, experience, certifications and knowledge. According to the study wintel engineers’ average salary is 121,146$.

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