
What are the Signs of Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic abuse is not something you can deal with on your own. It can affect a person emotionally, physically, and mentally. The person with narcissistic syndrome just cares about himself and knows how to manipulate their partner’s behavior.

People living with a narcissist can go through trauma, and effects can range from mild to severe depending on how long you endure such a toxic relationship.

What is it Like to Live with a Narcissist?

Living with a narcissist can be extremely difficult, challenging, and filled with anxiety. It can become exhausting, and you might want to cut cords with the narcissist.

Narcissists are self-centered, self-absorbed, and self-obsessed people who use various tactics and strategies to stay in charge. They are good at dominating conversations and know how to manipulate other people. 

Narcissists seem so perfect, but they are actually not. They are good at exaggerating everything and want to feel acknowledged all the time. They like to tell about their dignified accomplishments and abilities.

Narcissists are self-centered and lack empathy. They usually do not consider the feelings and needs of other people around them. They think that they have endless power and they are just so perfect.

Relationship with a Narcissist

At the beginning of a relationship, you might feel like everything is a bed of roses and they are the perfect partners, but all this care and love is frequently made merely to acquire what they want or to make themselves appear good.

In many circumstances, the partner of a narcissist hides the reality of a relationship from others. In the effort to improve the relationship, the partner avoids humiliation and even accepts and bears all the inappropriate behavior.

Moreover, over the period, the partners learn that complaining is only going to make the matter worse because complaining hurts their narcissistic spouses’ egos.

In the end, you cannot change a narcissistic person, and it’s impossible to live with them. With NPDs are often unchangeable. It will be nearly hard for those at the extreme end of this personality type to get insights into how others view them.

As a result, taking responsibility for behaviors that make your spouse or partner unhappy is challenging. In fact, they may become enraged when their partners or others express concern. They may fabricate facts, blame others, and claim to be victims.

The people dealing with narcissistic abuse victim syndrome need to consult with experts who can help them get out of this misery.

They Will Make You Feel Special at First Just to Have a Control Over you

Narcissists know the tactics of getting control over you. They will first go out of their way to make you feel special. This is not because they value you but just because they want to have control over you.

After getting full control over your life and making you fall in love with them, the narcissist will challenge you emotionally. They will make you feel guilty for not regarding their feeling and will give dramatic reactions to everything.

Many people who truly care for their narcissistic partner try to avoid these dramatic reactions and work hard on themselves to impress their partner. 

You Will Doubt Yourself on Every Step

The victims of narcissistic abuse are constantly filled with self-doubt. It’s natural to be concerned and continuously seek confirmation that you are on the correct track.

Victims are obliged to accept responsibility for their actions. Narcissists make their partners feel bad about themselves. The partner of narcissists will always be in self-doubt and worry about what they are doing wrong and what actions they need to take to make things better at both ends.

Narcissist Cannot Accept their Fault

While accepting your mistake and fault is difficult, the people who do it live a healthy life without guilt or regret.

Accepting your mistake does not make you a lesser person. Instead, it brings peace. As a result, one should boldly own their flaws, errors, and wrongdoings.

Narcissists, on the other hand, find it impossible to admit mistakes. A character with this condition has linked contentment, accomplishment, and even perfection to his or her identity. They may also believe it as true because his genuine value is at stake. When this is the case, admitting fault is extremely dangerous. The individual may strive to deny the existence of the flaw.

Can You Have a Healthy Relation with Narcissist?

If your partner is a narcissist, it is quite impossible for you to have a healthy relationship with them. You can never develop a genuine connection with a narcissist. So, if you find yourself in a relationship with someone who is extremely bossy, never regards your feelings, does not care about anything, and shows other narcissistic traits, it is better to end the terms.

How Can Counseling Help People Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse?

Expert guidance can help you achieve a more balanced relationship. The people who are dealing with narcissistic abuse victim syndrome must comprehend the fundamentals of their partner’s egocentrism and insensitivity.

Final Thought

Narcissists can go at any level and play any card in their hands to show themselves the victim. They are self-absorbed and exploit others for their own personal benefit. It is not wise to live with such narrow-minded and self-centered people.

If you have lived with a narcissist, you must consult with experts. Narcissism can have a long impact on your life. Consulting with an expert might help you put your past in the past and might help you start a new life.

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