Competition is raging on the web planet. And, in this context, many companies are wondering: how to make sure to stand out in this stormy market? In fact, the issue of user experience has become paramount. But what is UX Design? And above all, how to optimize it?

UX design: what is it?

User experience (known as UX) corresponds to the experience lived by an individual while exploring a given website. Concretely, the objective is therefore to offer a simple, relevant and efficient course, by creating perfectly optimized web pages. The UX graphic designer is the guarantor of your conversion rate.

Why is UX important?

The objective of UX design is to design a website on which Internet users will enjoy browsing and will not waste a derisory time finding the information they are looking for. In short, users appreciate ergonomic, optimized and intuitive sites. Otherwise, they get annoyed, lose patience and go to find the object of their satisfaction elsewhere. Also, if you don’t want your conversion rate to plunge to abysmal depths, you’d better not neglect UX. It is important to recruit a good graphic designer to manage UX in your communication strategy.

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How to optimize the user experience of your website?

Know your users

The user is the centerpiece of any UX-centric thinking. You guessed it: to be successful, you will need to know your user. Otherwise, you will be hard pressed to identify their expectations.

The more you know, the better: age, social background, socio-professional category, consumption and browsing habits, privileged social platforms. Everything that will help you choose the right colors, the appropriate typography, the appropriate vocabulary, the photos that will hit the mark, etc.

An efficient tree structure:

The tree structure of your site is your common thread. However, a twisted common thread will have nothing to please your users.

In a very prosaic way, make sure that your purchase page – or any page constituting the purpose of your process – is within the range of three clicks maximum. Likewise, develop a hierarchy between your information. Define precisely what should first appear to your users.

Create accessible pages

Beware of overloading. Your users should understand where they are at first glance. So prioritize simplicity.

In short :

  •  prefer neutral colors, like white;
  • ventilate your content;
  • use animations sparingly (you must not annoy the user);
  • stay true to your graphic charter – under penalty of confusing Internet users.

Optimize the loading speed of its pages

Again, be careful not to annoy your prospects. Too long a loading time is often prohibitive!

Fortunately, there are a few tips to deal with this problem:

  • Reduce the size of its visuals;
  • Do not abuse the animations;
  • Efficiently use HTML, CSS, PHP and JS coding.

Have a responsive site

In the same way, an Internet user who will see his navigation hindered by a website unable to adapt to the medium he uses risks losing patience. As it stands, the media have never been so numerous (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and not having a responsive site – which adapts to this diversity precisely – is an error that could cost you dearly. .


To stand out and sustain your business, you will have to innovate. Through your visual identity, your illustrations, but also your functionalities. The idea is to surprise your users, thanks to a range of specificities that they will not find in your competitors.

Create effective calls to action

A “call-to-action” can cover different objectives:

  • Encourage the downloading of content;
  • Cause subscription to a newsletter;
  • Promote contact;
  • Request a service.

This list is not exhaustive. Just remember that a call-to-action is there to push the Internet user to interact with your site. Also, prefer action verbs for the text of your precious button!

Use photos intelligently

Do not abuse photos, and this, on two levels:

  • In terms of quantity. A photo must complement and illustrate your content. No more no less;
  • In terms of the use of image banks. Use royalty-free images sparingly, keeping in mind that your competition will use them as well.

In short, prefer a handful of photos of your own. Smartphones and many applications now make it possible to obtain more than adequate renderings!

Offer quality content

No, the quality of the content is not just a matter of SEO – although it contributes greatly to it. Above all else, good content keeps your user happy, who is exploring your website for a specific reason.

Give him what he is looking for: give him answers, thanks to relevant content with real added value.

Take into account user feedback to improve the UX of a site

Finally, do not hesitate to solicit feedback from your users, on any aspect whatsoever. They will be the most objective judges of your work. In addition, you will directly obtain the areas for improvement that you need to focus on!


Put yourself in the shoes of your Internet user. UX is largely common sense. In short, be original but relevant. The key to success in this area lies in one word: simplicity.

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