The main areas developed in the strategic plan for each tournament are as follows:

This first area of the strategic marketing plan for the tournament defines and develops the aspects related to the technical aspects of the event. I include in the production of the event everything related to the necessary infrastructure, timing, permits, suppliers, new features and innovations (the result of the evaluation and analysis of previous tournaments), mandatory technical requirements under the PPC regulations, or improvements in other elements of the production that add value to our tournament and ultimately differentiate us from our competitors, in this case other 스포츠중계 event organizers who, like us, are looking for sponsors.

It is important to develop this plan.

First, because it highlights other areas of the strategic marketing plan. Without this initial plan, we cannot know if we are meeting mandatory rules, if we are innovative, if we are looking for improvements or new places, and we cannot make an initial startup budget (which will depend on the area of the marketing plan that is related to finance, such as the business plan and budget).

Even if we believe in advance that this is purely a production element, it is difficult to proceed if we have not established this first area.

To continue with the previous example,

 The business plan and budget will suffer because we cannot establish the advertising space, the measurements, the space allocated to the commercial village, the location of advertising lights… This makes it impossible to effectively develop a business plan to find potential sponsors.

This plan ends when it is fully developed (but not closed to possible changes) and the rest of the team developing the various plans has a very detailed plan of the entire site, the improvements to be made, the number of pitches, the definition of support points, infrastructure, etc. In short, there is no room for improvisation in any aspect of production.

Defining the business plan and budget Based on the previous point, we are now in a position (although work has been going on in parallel) to define and develop a business plan and budget for the tournament.

In order to do this, it is necessary to consider aspects such as promotional support

defining the items that will be sold to sponsors, the rights that each type of sponsor will have in the communication plan (so that it is closely linked to the communication plan), and the rights they will have for reserved seats, in staffing, and the creation of a database in which potential sponsors are sorted into sectors according to the business activities we want to do with them. It is important to make this decision before the end of the calendar year, as many companies close the marketing budget for the following year in the last quarter of the year.

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