Persian Cat Price in India and Breed Information

Persian Cat Price in India and Breed Information

Persian cats are fluffy “aristocrats” with a charming flattened muzzle. These oldest representatives of the cat family are distinguished by calmness and friendliness, therefore they easily find a common language with people and animals. In this article, We are here to explain a Persian cat price in India, its breed information and choosing the right cat for your children.

Description of the Persian cat breed

Popularity 16 out of 89 cat breeds


  • 15-20 years old


  • up to 30 cm

Country of origin:

  • Armenia, Iran, Turkey

Average price:

  • 15-25 thousand rubles
  • The weight:
  • 3.5-7kg

Pros and cons


  • unobtrusive and rarely give voice;
  • get along well with children and any pets;
  • high intelligence;
  • original appearance and calm character.


  • snores;
  • hard to endure loneliness;
  • difficult care.

Key facts

Due to several theories about the origin of the breed, the country of origin of Persian cats is still in question. Most felinologists tend to Persia (Greater Iran). Unlike modern Iran, the ancient state occupied a large territory. 

The maximum lifespan of a Persian cat is 20 years. The smallest females weigh only 3.5 kg, while the largest males can reach 7 kg. Growth at the withers does not depend on gender and is no more than 30 cm. The description of the Persian cat breed emphasizes that the animals are not too large, but quite massive.

Due to its characteristics, the Persian cat is included in the ranking of the most beautiful cats. In the 7th-8th centuries, only European aristocrats could boast of a luxurious pet. Among the admirers of the breed was the Red Cardinal himself – the Duke de Richelieu. Before his death, the man bequeathed to the cats all his fortune. Unfortunately, the rich heirs were not lucky, and all the money was divided among the servants. 

In the 20th century, the situation has changed. The transfer of the inheritance of the Queen vocalist, who bequeathed all the property to his cats, went well. Freddie Mercury took care of the legal aspects in advance and handed over the management of cases to experienced lawyers. 

Persian cats are not able to live on their own. They do not know how to hunt and are not adapted to life in the wild. A comfortable life for this breed is possible only next to a person. 

Persians are very attached to their masters, but try not to bother. They will not become your shadow, but will surely settle at your feet or headboard as night approaches. For such animals, the presence of a person is a prerequisite. If you rarely appear at home, then look for a more suitable breed. 

History of the origin of the Persian cat

Persia is recognized as the country of origin of the breed, covering the territory of modern Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Transcaucasia, Pakistan and Central Asia. The history of the origin of the native Persians is shrouded in mystery. They are credited with kinship with dune cats, manuals and even Russian Siberians. 

In Europe, long-haired cats from Greater Iran appeared only in the 17th century. They were brought by the Italian aristocrat and traveler Pietro della Valle. His friend, the French scientist Nicole-Claude Farby, became interested in an unusual breed. So the Persian cat came to France, and in the 18th century it reached England. The breed was divided into 2 varieties: Turkish Angora and Persian cat. The Persians received official status in 1887. 

In the course of breeding work in America, an “extreme” type of Persian was obtained. Kittens were born with the shortest possible nose, overhanging forehead and wide eyes. Breeders improved the “doll” look of the animal, but rewarded it with a mass of congenital diseases. It was possible to reduce the number of pathologies only in the 20th century, when the animals managed to reach Russia. 

Similar cat breeds

Persian Cat Price in India and Breed Information

What does a Persian cat look like?

The general impression that develops after meeting the Persian leaves no doubt about the amazing similarity of the cat with the Pekingese. An upturned nose and a flattened muzzle are the visiting card of the breed. From the photo of a Persian cat, you can immediately unmistakably name the breed. The maximum weight of an adult animal is 7 kg. 

Depending on the place of breeding, two varieties of the Persian cat are distinguished: classic (European) and extreme (American). They differ in the length of the coat and the size of the nose. The nose of the “extremals” is at or above the midline of the eye, and their coat is shorter than that of the “classic” Persians. 


The Persians have a domed skull and a large head. On a round and wide muzzle are thick cheeks and powerful cheekbones. The stop line is well defined. According to the standard, the description of the head includes: 

  • small ears with rounded tips and pubescent auricle; 
  • large and round eyes, widely spaced from each other; 
  • wide and short nose; 
  • well-developed jaws and a weak chin, forming a straight line with the nose and forehead. 

Persians have very long whiskers and are considered the pride of cats.


What does a Persian cat look like? The head is located on a short and muscular neck. Animals have strong bones and well-developed muscles. The width of the croup and massive shoulders differs by a couple of centimeters. The squat body ends in a short and thick tail, rounded at the tip. Its entire length is covered with fluffy wool. 

The body rests on short but powerful hind and forelimbs. Between the fingers are tufts of long hair. 

The disadvantage of the breed is the knotted stumpy tail found in the Manx. 

Wool and color 

Cats have a thick undercoat and a soft thin awn. On the neck, chest and shoulders, the hair reaches a maximum length of 14 cm. Any known colors of the Persian cat are allowed by the standard: 

  • plain (black, white, blue, red, cream); 
  • tortoiseshell (color is typical for girls, and for boys it is considered an anomaly); 
  • silver (smoky, chinchilla); 
  • marble (the pattern of stripes and rings resembles stains on marble); 
  • color-point and other points. 

The color of the Persian determines what color his eyes will be. The most common color is red. This color is typical for any color. Blue eyes are a hallmark of color-point cats, while green eyes are characteristic of Persians with a golden or silver coat. Representatives with a white coat often have heterochromia. One eye is orange and the other is blue. 

Despite the variety of acceptable colors, a pet may be disqualified if it has a “medallion” on its chest. 

The nature of the Persian cat

Persians are balanced and friendly. They get along well with children. A pet will never harm an infant or an older child. The Persian cat quickly finds a common language with other animals. Even birds can roam freely in the apartment. The Persian is a bad hunter, but he may be interested in toys. 

Persian cats are dependent on their owners and are not able to live on the street. The gentle nature of the Persian cat allows her to quickly forgive insults. The Persian differs from other breeds in its high attachment to the person and to the house. He does not need street walks, since his whole world is concentrated around the human family. 

These domestic cats never get in the way, rarely meow and prefer to bask on the bed or sofa all day. Their activity is minimal, which often results in health problems. If you have a Persian, then get ready to share a place on the bed with him. Do not hesitate: most of it will have to be given to the pet. 

Persian cats love to sit on their hands, but only if they themselves want it. If the kitten appeared in the house recently, then he may be afraid of human hands. Do not try to hold the baby who is throwing up and be patient. With strangers, cats are cautious and keep their distance. They show their usual friendliness only after a few meetings. If the new person is friendly and does not pose a danger, then he will easily melt the heart of a snub-nosed cat. 

The list of interesting facts about the Persians includes their unique communication system. If the pet gets hungry in the early morning, then he will not meow or stomp on the owner. Instead, the pet will resort to a special gazing technique. 

Persian cats have high intelligence. Noticing a return look, they will take you to the feeder or tray, which needs to be changed. 

Persian cat education

Persian Cat Price in India and Breed Information

Persians are highly trainable. The kitten quickly understands where to go to the toilet and where to sharpen its claws. From the first days of training, be patient and affectionate. The assault and loud screams have a negative effect on the psyche of the animal.  

If the pet does not comply with the prohibition commands, use a spray of water from a spray bottle or the noise from the cotton of a newspaper. 

The simplest and safest instrument of influence is intonation. Animals are good at capturing changes in voice. Remember to reinforce the right actions with treats and praise. 

Persian cats have an intolerant attitude towards loneliness. They get depressed quickly, so never leave them alone for long periods of time. At the time of departure, invite a friend or relative with whom the pet is familiar. Don’t forget games. They have a positive effect on health and form a trusting relationship with the owners.  

Persian cat health

The average life expectancy of Persians is 16 years. Life expectancy is affected by care and timely vaccination. Regular vaccinations reduce the risk of infectious diseases. With a possible infection, the immune system destroys the virus on its own. In addition to vaccinations, do not forget about preventive visits to the veterinarian. The sooner the pathology is detected, the easier it is to cure the pet and prevent complications. 

Possible diseases 

The health of the Persian cat is strong, and the immune system is strong, but even this does not protect against all diseases. Breed genetic diseases include: 

Polycystic kidney disease. If the pet is depressed, has lost its appetite and goes to the toilet more often than usual, contact your veterinarian. These are the first warning signs. Without timely treatment, the disease will worsen and develop into renal failure by 7-9 years. 

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Increased heart rate and fainting occur only in 60% of animals. In other cases, the pathology is asymptomatic, so the life of the pet ends suddenly. Most often, cats suffer from cardiomyopathy. 

Retinal atrophy. Loss of vision develops rapidly. If the disease is congenital, then by the age of 4 months the kitten completely loses sight. 

Dental diseases. Without careful care, the teeth of the Persians quickly lose their white color, and an unpleasant odor appears from the oral cavity. In an advanced case, the pet’s gums become inflamed and teeth begin to fall out. 

When licked, part of the wool enters the stomach. Its excessive accumulation is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so be sure to give your pet a paste to remove wool. 

Due to the flattened structure of the muzzle, Persians suffer from increased tearing and snoring during sleep. The eyes will have to be looked after daily, as the accumulation of fluid forms “tear tracts”, changes the color of the coat and promotes the growth of bacteria. Snoring does not affect the quality of life of the animal, so it is enough just to put up with it. 

Reproductive health 

The first estrus begins at 5-6 months. If the pet is not suitable for breeding, then after the end of estrus, it must be taken to sterilization. This operation reduces the risk of developing cancer. If you want to eliminate sexual desire, then it is better to choose castration of the cat. In both cases, the animals will not produce offspring, but after sterilization, they can still mate. 

Breeders recommend knitting animals older than 16 months, that is, on the third estrus. Pregnancy in Persians lasts 64 days. After giving birth, the cat carefully cares for newborns, but does not show aggression towards the owner or other pets. 

Features of feeding and diet

Persian Cat Price in India and Breed

Mother takes care of newborn kittens, so you can not worry about them until 2 months. Some owners introduce complementary foods from 1 month. This is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The kitten’s stomach is still developing, so any food other than mother’s milk is rejected.  

Start giving cereals with a mixture of milk and water from 2 months. After 3 months, introduce raw meat. It should be well frozen and cut into small pieces. Additionally, you can add mashed vegetables. Up to 6 months, kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, and after six months – 3-4 times a day. Try to gradually reduce meals so that by the age of 1 year the pet eats no more than 2 times a day. 

Food should be dry or natural, but not mixed. Ready-to-eat foods save time and provide guidance on how to feed a kitten and an adult animal. All rules are written on the package. To calculate the daily calorie content, you will need the age and weight of the pet. Buy food at least super-premium. Ask your veterinarian if you can give your pet regular food or if it is better to choose a line designed specifically for Persian cats. 

If an animal has a disease of the urinary system, then an increased protein content is dangerous for it. After the diagnosis, the veterinarian explains what food to feed the pet during treatment. Changing your diet on your own can aggravate the course of the disease, so strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. 

When feeding with natural food, observe the following proportions: 

  • 10% – cereals (rice, buckwheat); 
  • 30% – vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin) and dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese); 
  • 60% – meat (rabbit, beef, turkey). 

The minus of the breed is the lack of saturation. The Persian is constantly hungry, so he quickly gains weight if he is not limited. Do not succumb to his plaintive look and give out food strictly on schedule. Do not be afraid of exhausting the “unfortunate” cat, but simply control its weight. A constant number on the scales is a confirmation of a good diet. If the figure grows, you will have to cut portions even more. 


Care and maintenance

If we talk about who the Persian suits, then the choice will fall on a person who is not deprived of time and money. Not everyone can afford the cost of care and maintenance of a Persian cat. The animal is equally comfortable in a large house and in a small apartment. Most of the money will go to grooming tools.  

The high need for care is due to the long coat and features of the appearance. Combining a long-haired pet should be done daily. Use a natural bristle brush and a wide-toothed comb. Do not use a slicker during shedding – it will injure the undercoat. 

Shedding occurs profusely, so it is recommended to use a spray conditioner that stimulates the shedding of excess hair. A shedding cat can be taken for grooming. A new haircut will get rid of excess wool and reduce the likelihood of tangles. 

Long wool well protects the cat from the cold. If you decide to cut it, then make sure that the pet is protected from drafts. Put warm bedding on the windowsills and set the cat house in a safe place. 

Washing a pet can be arranged 1-2 times a month. Use veterinary shampoos for long-haired breeds and avoid getting water in your ears. With less frequent washing, the quality of the coat deterioration and skin problems occur. 

Use cotton swabs to clean your ears and eyes. Moisten them with water and gently wipe the ear and eyes. Due to increased tearing, eye care should be daily. 

Don’t forget your teeth. The oral cavity of the Persians is a vulnerable place. Get your cat used to toys and treats that prevent tartar build-up. Pet toothpaste will provide additional protection. 

Persian cats quickly get used to scratching posts, so they do not need to cut their nails. Take a closer look at what kind of scratching post your pet prefers. Some like vertical designs, while others like horizontal ones. Place them throughout your home and spice them up with catnip. If the pet tries to sharpen its claws on the sofa, take it to the scratching post. Reward good behavior with praise and treats. 

When keeping a Persian, do not forget about his comfort. Do not disturb the animal if it is sleeping. You can not pull him out of the house or forcibly take him in your arms. This is bad for the cat’s psyche. In addition to the owner’s bed and sofa, the pet should have its own personal place where he can relax alone. For this, an open sunbed or a closed house is suitable. 

One of the unpleasant habits of the Persian is too energetic burying waste. If the construction of “sand castles” has begun in the toilet, buy a tray with higher sides or a closed type. The placement of the filler under the net will help to solve the problem, but the animal must be taught this from childhood. 

Tips for choosing a kitten

Tips for choosing a kitten

Never choose a pet from a photo on the Internet. There are a lot of scammers on the free bulletin board. An attractive picture may hide a sick animal or a mestizo, resulting from the crossing of a Persian and a yard cat.

Belonging to the breed is guaranteed only by nurseries and private breeders who are members of kennel clubs. When selling kittens, they provide the buyer with a sales contract, metrics, pedigree and veterinary passport. All these documents are a guarantee of a safe transaction.

The choice of a pet is made according to 2 criteria: appearance and behavior. A healthy kitten has a well-groomed coat without bald spots, clean eyes and ears. He must be active and not aggressive. 

Persian kittens are put up for sale after 2 months. If you are purchasing a pet for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then it is better to wait with the purchase. Compliance with the standard will be noticeable only after 3-4 months. More accurate information can be obtained in consultation with an experienced breeder. He will explain how to choose a future winner and not fall for the tricks of scammers. 

Persian Cat Price in India

Most of all, the final cost is influenced by the class of the animal. This characteristic is used to classify pets by exterior quality. The seller sets the maximum Persian cat price in India for show class. Future nominees and winners of international competitions will have to pay 33714-40457 Indian Rupees. Breeding animals included in the breed class are slightly cheaper. Their prices start from 20 thousand Indian Rupees. For 9440 Indian Rupees, nurseries are ready to sell pet-class Persians with minor defects. 

A Persian cat price in India is determined not only by its class, but also by other factors: the presence of vaccinations and sterilization, gender, the prestige of the pedigree, the rating of the cattery, the rarity of the color.

Below is the comprehensive list of a Persian Cat price in India in different cities:

Cities Price in Indian Rupees

  1. Persian cat price in Delhi                    Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000
  2. Persian cat price in Chennai               Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  3. Persian cat price in Lucknow               Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  4. Persian cat price in Mangalore           Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  5. Persian cat price in Bangalore            Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000
  6. Price of Persian cat in Kerala              Rs 16,000 to Rs 40,000
  7. Persian cat price in Kannur                 Rs 16,000 to Rs 40,000
  8. Persian cat price in Agra                     Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  9. Persian cat price in Kolhapur               Rs 25,000 to Rs 40,000
  10. Persian cat price in Trivandrum       Rs 16,000 to Rs 40,000
  11. Persian cat price in Coimbatore      Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  12. Persian cat price in Kolkata             Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000
  13. Persian cat price in Pune                  Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000
  14. Persian cat price in Hyderabad         Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000

This is the comprehensive list of Persian Cat price in India in Indian Rupees varying from 33 to 40 Thousand Indian Rupees city wise.


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