Facebook is the largest platform in the world. Its users are 2.79 billion. This is the most-used social application in this world. It is not used for entertainment but is used for business also. Some people are facing the issue of reactivating their Facebook account. Do not worry about, just read our guide on how to reactivate Facebook account in an easy way.
Read it completely and follow these steps to activate the account. In this blog article, we will discuss how to reactivate a Facebook account on mobile and desktop also.
How to Reactivate Facebook Account on Desktop?
If we say that 90% out of 100% of people use Facebook on desktop. It will not be wrong. Mostly they are businessmen. Unfortunately, if they are facing Facebook deactivation account issues and want to reactivate their account. Then your problem solution is here. Read it completely and solve it step by step.
First step:
The first and foremost step of reactivating your account on a desktop is easy and simple. Open your computer and refresh it four to five times. Confirm your WI-FI connection. Go on chrome and write Facebook.com.
There you will see a Facebook application link. Move the cursor and click on the first link. After that, you will reach your required place.
Second step:
After completion of the first step, there will be shown two options. Before login, it is compulsory to give required information. This info is not so tough.
1st option
In the first option, a Facebook account needs your email or phone number. Some people give their email to log in and some give their phone number. You can provide your favorite information that will prove easy for you.
The Facebook account requires this for clarification and wants to send you notification of passwords and others. It will prove beneficial for you. If you want that people would not see this information. Users can hide it through settings.
2nd option
To log in the second option requires a password. As you give a strong password as you will secure the wrong use of your account. Because of that in this world, there exists every type of human. Most of us have a good nature but some people have evil habits of teasing others.
Unfortunately, they feel pleasure in teasing innocent people. So everybody should use the strongest password. A strong password means the use of symbols, numbers, and alphabets.
If you forget your password no need to take the stress. On this page below the log-in option showing an option in blue color “forgot password”. This is just for you. Click on it and set a new password.
Third step
Every start needs to end. Nothing is possible without a start or end. When you write both requires information then click on the “login” button that exists in blue color.
Now reactivate your inactive account. You are on your home page. You can see your friends list, story, pages, groups, and profile posts as well as security also. All things are safe and secure.
Enjoy and use your account as you can do it.
How to Reactivate Facebook Account on Mobile?
Mobile has become a necessary part of every person’s life. Whether he or she has a business or not is up to them. Even that child also tries to keep it with themselves. They want to play a game and watch cartoons. This is a lightweight latest gadget that has the whole world.
Most of us buddy use Facebook on our mobile. It remains comfortable to use this application anywhere, anytime, and anyway. Recreating a Facebook account on mobile is also simple and quick.
We will tell you how to reactivate your Facebook account on your mobile phone. If you are facing this issue then pick your phone and follow the step by step method.
First step:
Pick and on your cell mobile. Every function is possible with a WI-FI connection or mobile data. Confirm your connection. If you have a Facebook application then opens it. Otherwise, go to the play store, write in the search bar “Facebook app”.
There you will see many search results. Click on their required search app and wait for complete installation. It will take time. If you have strong and fast WI-FI or data connection then it will be taking a few seconds. Unfortunately, if you have a weak connection then installation will require a long time.
Second step:
The second step of reactivating a Facebook account is very interesting. After completing the process of installation. This app will show you on your mobile screen between all applications. It is in blue and white color.
To reactivate Facebook account click on this installed app. Next instructions exist in the third step.
Third step:
In this step, users can see two options require a process. You can’t log in without filling them. This step will easily complete like other functions. It needs information about you. After given a bio you can reach your goal.
The first box needs to write the exact email. Users also can give their phone number. One thing is compulsory. Facebook will send notifications on their phone about passwords etc. So give a phone number or email in which you feel easy and pleasant.
The second box requires a password. The password should be unique and strong not so long. If you give a long password it will create disturbance for you.
Because of some issues if you forget the password. Then on this page has an option “forgot password” in blue color. Click on it and create a new password. Now put the new password in the second box.
It is time to finish these steps. Click on the “login” button that is in blue.
Congratulations you have successfully recreated the accounting process and exist on the home page of Facebook.
For reading another detailed guide on how to reactivate your Facebook account click here.
In this article, we guide you step by step. I hope after following this method anyone can solve their issue in a while. But if you have any questions then leave a comment. Our team will guide you as soon as possible.
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