Digital Marketing

How To Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Artificial Intelligence has gained incredible popularity in recent times. This modern technology has incredible potential which is still being explored all across the globe. AI has a wide range of applications across different fields and is one of the most popular and widely used technologies right now. Artificial Intelligence is also a top digital marketing trend in 2022. Businesses all across the globe are adopting this technology for their digital marketing campaigns and so far, it has been very popular in the industry. As a matter of fact, AI has

AI And Digital Marketing: Why Is It Important in 2022?

AI has made a significant impact in the field of digital marketing and it has been transforming the ways and techniques in which brands interact with their audience. The rise of AI has transformed digital marketing campaigns and strategies in a significant manner.

In this article, we will talk about how a business can integrate AI into their marketing strategies and enhance business growth and success. It is pretty obvious that you would need expert advice and supervision for this. This is why, if you are thinking of integrating Artificial Intelligence into your online marketing campaign, you would need to hire expert professionals like a reputed digital marketing agency.

That being said, AI has been around for several years but in recent times, its use and popularity are rising exponentially making it a crucial part of modern-day marketing campaigns. According to Salesforce, 84% of marketing leaders used artificial intelligence in 2020.

Statistics To Watch Out For:

Before we go into integrating AI into your marketing strategies, here are a few key statistics that will help you understand the potential of this modern technological boon.

According to reports, AI-powered voice assistants will exceed the market value of 8 billion by 2023. It is also estimated that the value of the global AI market will be almost $60 billion by 2025. Not just that, AI has an impact on the global economy with the global GDP that was expected to grow by $15.7 trillion by 2021, simply because of AI.

As impressive as that sounds, AI has significantly improved and advanced in recent times with almost 66, 000 skills available in Alexa’s inventory list in the US right now. It is incredible to know that more than 77% of the devices that we use in recent times come with one kind of AI or another.

A 2018 study by McKinsey on more than 400 advanced use cases revealed that marketing was the field that could make the maximum benefits from the use of AI.

The above facts and figures make it pretty clear that artificial intelligence is one of those technologies that can be highly beneficial for marketing campaigns and has a huge amount of potential that can be explored and utilised in different marketing strategies.

What is Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing?

AI in digital marketing (also sometimes referred to as AI marketing) is the process of leveraging AI technology for marketing purposes. This may include activities like collecting data, getting consumer insights or improving customer experience through better interaction.

AI is highly beneficial for marketing strategies as it can help anticipate a customer’s next move or determine a pattern for the changing expectations of the target audience of a brand. This can help brands to optimize their brand marketing strategies, product and service quality, features and other aspects that directly impact the customer experience.

A digital marketing agency that will use AI for marketing campaigns is likely to deliver far superior results than a conventional one. The primary advantage of AI for marketing is that it helps develop an in-depth understanding of consumer behaviors. This can help marketers and businesses target consumers with the right strategy and approach, enabling effective and efficient results.

AI Instruments For Digital Marketing

The insight a business gets about its consumers through AI can significantly increase the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns. Any reputable digital marketing agency would use the following AI instruments when integrating AI technology into your marketing campaign.

  • Chatbots: Almost every top brand is using it on their website, app and even on social media pages.
  • Email Automations: Helps deliver a personalized experience to a wide range of audiences.
  • Personalized Suggestions: A better customer experience to enhance brand image.
  • Acquiring In-depth Customer Insights Through AI and ML data

Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of the article and we hope it is clear to you why your digital marketing campaign needs to integrate AI into it. The digital marketing agency you hire must offer AI for marketing to make sure you can reap the benefits of this modern technology and get the best returns on your investment.

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