When we decide to create a YouTube channel, we necessarily want our videos to be viewed as many times as possible. But initially, it is far from simple, especially if you do not master certain essential keys. When we wonder how to get views on YouTube, we can especially imagine that it is enough to make a maximum of videos and that “it will come!” “. But in reality it doesn’t work like that …
As far as I’m concerned, I started to understand the YouTube algorithm a little over 3 years ago. After spending 4 years struggling, I corrected my mistakes, changed my strategy and my first coaching chain exploded. Some of my videos even exceed 1,000,000 views. In the space of a month I had obtained more subscribers than the whole previous year! And inevitably when we have more subscribers, we will get YouTube views …
So how do you get views on YouTube for free? How to be more visible and increase your subscribers exponentially? How to live thanks to YouTube? I reveal to you 7 of my secrets that allow a channel to take off quickly and ensure long-term success.
Why do you have to wonder how to get more views on YouTube?
Before revealing to you the 7 keys that will allow you to gain views on YouTube quickly , I would just like to make a small clarification.
Indeed, having YouTube views in order to have views, that doesn’t really make sense. Well, unless your goal is simply to make yourself known and share your knowledge. On the other hand, if there is a mercantile objective behind, an aspect which probably concerns 95% of YouTubers, then we must also add a marketing strategy .
For many it is the bedrock of their business and the more views or subscriptions there are, the greater the income . Logical since your visibility is increasing. But the money is not going to fall from the sky either. And if you rely on YouTube advertising to enrich you, you’re in trouble! Except at the limit if you do everything yourself and you don’t have the latest equipment. But otherwise you will face the costs, that’s all …
What I want to convey to you above is that you really have to have a strategy in order to turn visitors or subscribers into potential customers. So don’t stop at the views. This is a good indicator, of course, but it is not what will ensure the success of your business .
How to get views on YouTube: The secret is not to scatter!
When we launch into videos and want to know what to do to get views on YouTube , the main difficulty is knowing what direction to take. That is to say what we want to do and more particularly the subjects to be treated.
Many are embarking on what works in the moment. But since there is strong competition, they change and come back to other things. So they don’t have a clear guideline. The subjects are scattered and under these conditions, it is difficult to create a community. Indeed, visitors will have difficulty identifying themselves.
And to top it off, YouTube’s algorithm won’t know which category you fall into and your videos won’t be featured.
I insist, but the first step is to target where you want to go. You have to give an axis to your channel , and create a community around a clear idea. It is according to this axis that men and women will be able to adhere to your ideas and support you.
Secrets to getting views on YouTube: think SEO!
The YouTube SEO is an invisible but essential action!
Posting a good video at the right time and regularly feeding your channel is obviously an important step. This is the method used by most of those who own a YouTube. However, it is important not to focus on the snapshot. That is, making your video visible even months after posting.
And it is at this stage that the majority of people make a big mistake… Because to have views on YouTube, you have to think further.
Typically, people think Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is only on google. However, this is far from the case. SEO is also on YouTube and it is possible to use certain levers so that a video is better positioned.
How? ‘Or’ What ? By using YouTube SEO tools as I explain in the complete training found here .
By applying the method I recommend, you will be able to position your video on all search engines. And that’s what will give you maximum visibility. Thus, you will ensure that Internet users can view it because you will be among the first results.
Basically, the more visible you are, the more people you attract to your channel … And if in addition you forge partnerships with other YouTubers, you will be a hit! It is in any case the perfect strategy to gain YouTube views.
How To Get Views On YouTube: Think Partnership!
Wondering how to get more views on YouTube? It’s simple don’t stay in your corner. Make yourself known! You have to think about partnership. And for that, the best way to proceed is to get invited by other people who have a community . Basically, you have to shoot videos with other YouTubers and switch to other channels.
To increase the views on YouTube is to increase your community and to be known by people who until yesterday had no idea who you were. For that, forming partnerships with other chains is an excellent method. Your partner is going to make a video on your channel and you are going to make one on theirs. It’s that simple…
This, including if you are in areas which are similar. Don’t be afraid of the competition, the great thing about YouTube is that there is room for everyone. Of course, you won’t be exchanging videos with your most direct competitor, but with channels that may look like you, go for it!
Secret of recurrence and quantity of videos is essential!
Post a video one day and then stop posting for 3 weeks. To then repost 2 videos is the worst thing you can do. When you ask yourself How to get a lot of views on YouTube, you need a minimum of strategy. Not to say discipline.
It’s all well and good to want to know how much a YouTuber earns. But when you start on YouTube or want to boost your channel , you need a minimum of effort. So I recommend posting at least one video a day for the first 6 months!
Yes, that’s 180 videos to prepare
This is the way to send a strong message both to the YouTube algorithm but also to the competition. It is important to have a steady pace to build a strong community. Who will then automatically support the videos as soon as they are published even if the pace drops.
Know that the first hours give a strong signal to YouTube. I explain why in more detail in my YouTube Master training. So if in addition you have a blog, consider relaying your videos on it.
Read Also: When should we upload videos to YouTube?
Secret to get more views on YouTube thanks to… your blog!
To get more views on YouTube, it is essential to highlight your videos. And that goes through all the means of communication that you use. And if possible in priority by your blog.
Of course, sharing on all of your social networks is essential. But don’t limit yourself to that. You must also send an email to your mailing list several times a month . But not to speak of the rain and the good weather. The goal should be to get them to watch your video and therefore naturally spend time on your channel.
Therefore, it is not enough to just post day after day. You also need to guide your audience. There are so many videos available, so much information that you have to get them where you want them to be.
Work on your acting game to make the video more pro!
So far, we have focused a lot on SEO and external tools. The goal is to make your channel as visible as possible as well as your videos.
However, there is another aspect that is important to focus on. It’s about the content or rather your attitude at the time of the video .
A video that remains visible, which is shared, is above all a video that is pleasant to watch, which is well shot, and the icing on the cake with a decent acting game.
I advise you not only to take acting lessons, but also to hire a vocal coach. This is what I put in place a few years ago in order to be more comfortable and to have positive energy throughout the video.
I can guarantee you that it was a real plus both for the videos but also for the conferences that I organize.
Secret to Making YouTube Live to be more visible
Increase your community, be close to it, send a positive message to the YouTube algorithm. Know that there is an effective way to save time and apply all these tips in one action!
To get a cumulative effect, you need to do YouTube live streams. Indeed, the American platform tends to reward those who organize lives regularly, by putting them forward.
Plus, it’s a great way to connect with your followers and everyone who follows you. It boosts your popularity rating and makes you more human.
For my part, I also noticed that my videos can get 4 to 5 times more views in 24 hours than my “classic” videos.
Read More: How to increase YouTube views – Tips, sites and more to help